Local Area Information
Discover essential resources and information to help you stay informed and connected in our community.
Sangamon County Property Tax Information
Find important details about property taxes in Sangamon County by visiting the Property Tax Information Page.
Ball Chatham School District
The Lincolnshire neighborhood is served by the Ball Chatham School District. Explore the exceptional schools available to our residents.
Glenwood Elementary School
Glenwood Intermediate School
Glenwood Middle School
Glenwood High School
For more information, visit the Ball Chatham School District.
Helpful Phone Numbers
As a reminder, the LHA Board is responsible for upholding the covenants, which were designed to maintain the beauty and value of the neighborhood. Problems and concerns beyond this should be directed to the appropriate entity responsible for addressing the specific issue.
The following numbers are provided for your convenience. Please keep them nearby, so you can quickly access them when needed. The City of Springfield’s website at www. springfield.il.us is also a great resource.
Ward 7 Alderman – Brad Carlson 217-622-5202 or carlson4ward7@gmail.com
Sangamon County Public Health 217-789-2167
City of Springfield Public Works 217-789-2255
Springfield Fire Department 217-789-2000
Springfield Animal Control 217-535-3065
Springfield Police
Crimestoppers 217-788-8427
Non-Emergency 217-788-8311
Beat 600 Neighborhood Police Officer - Josh Davis 217-891-1526
Have Questions or Concerns?
We're here to help! Reach out to the Lincolnshire Homeowners Association and submit your inquiry today!